Everyone has a story. The most remarkable stories that I have ever heard have belonged to those who have experienced the grace, mercy, and goodness of the Savior.
Our stories are important.
In the Book of Revelations, John writes “And they have conquered him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony‘ (Revelations 12:11). The divine intervention that we experienced in our times of need was not accomplished for us, alone.
Our testimony has been established to be a means by which can lead the broken, lost, hurting, and lonely to the One who can mend, find, heal, and restore.
The grace of God has been provisioned in our lives so that our faith may be strengthened, and that God will be glorified before others.
How many people know your story? You might be surprised how your story can bring hope and encouragement to someone lost in despair. I have no doubt that your testimony may be just what another reader needs to hear.
And I want to give you the opportunity to encourage the stranger that has been waiting for that testimony.
On “Hope-Day Wednesdays”, the Your Story Page will open to allow others to share their story of hope and grace with someone who may waiting to hear it. Simply enter “your story” into the form, with any other information that you may like to share. If you are a blogger, writer or have a website, feel free to leave your website URL for the readers to connect with you later.
Your story might change a life, save a marriage, restore a relationship, give a discouraged parent hope, or help someone to hold on for just one more day.